It is very interesting how people refused knowledge and give some stupid excuses. The ones that most of the time made me mad are Christians especially Men of God. I find it very difficult to understand because the Bible tells me the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truths. The sad news is that, most Christians do not even know the operations of the Spirit let alone to let Him guide them.
Secondly, most believers do not know how to pray. For example, I counselled a woman recently concerning her marriage. The husband left her for another woman and she prayed on five different occasions when the man attempted to marry the other woman, that God should not allow it to happen. According to her, the marriage never happened. So I asked her, what do you want God to do in this situation. She told me she wants the husband back and I said but you never ask God for that. God is answering your prayers but you are praying the wrong prayers. I then ask her to first pray for God to guide her according to His will in this situation and we will take it from there.
Another woman operating restaurant always pray and bind the devil every morning before she starts to sell. And yet things are not going as she expected. Talking to her I told her yes you bind the devil but you didn't ask God to bless the business and bring customers. She was convinced by what I told her and she stopped binding the devil and prays for more customers. She told me recently that things have changed.
what am I saying, there are times you need to cast the devil and there are times you ask God for His blessings. He said ask and you shall be given. The truth is that, when you ask for stone I will give you stone and when you ask for bread I will give you. That is my perspective on prayer. Most people do not get answered prayer because we do not know how to pray.
Then human beings we are spirit and physical beings. Sadly, most people run away from responsibility in the name of prayer. There is a part everybody needs to play in life without that your prayer is void.
But all boils down to knowledge of the Bible. Most of us refused to study the Bible. It is a fact that one can pray very effectively with good knowledge of the Bible and some of the mistakes we make can easily be avoided. There are churches I go and the Pastor will just come and shout, you are bless!, all the witches in your family will die! and on and on. At the end of the service he has not said anything. There is this one question always in me mind in such services, is it that the man of God himself does not know what is in the Bible?
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