
I always look out for these special dates. Almost always something memorable happens to me. But  11.11.11 is something else to talk about. In fact, I have not been happy the whole day for no reason. So just as I was trying to do some work in the office, I remembered today is Rev. Tei-Mati's birthday. Actually, I thought it was the wife's birthday but latter learnt it was his. He is a good father, I tell you. Those days Asiwome and I used to give him lots of headaches. One particular one I'll never forget is the famous Danquah circle accident. Anyway...

I was so sad and missing home at a point I left the office. I prepared something ate and decided to take a little nap. Around 3:45pm, I went back to the office, then the first news I saw on the net was a bad one, my man Tiger Woods passed away. It was a difficult news to take and thank God it was a false news. He is very much alive.

I never liked golf, but I used to watch this man play. Please don't ask any questions because I can't answer. I just watch him do his thing, that is all. He is a man I admire so much. The richest sportsman of our time. I thought the world was unfair to him during his crisis days, but I was wrong. I was thinking he never begged the world to be a Role Model, a Mentor and even probably he never asked to be a world champion. He was simply doing what he love best then boom into fame. You know what? Once you become a public figure, you are a public asset, take it or leave it that is the reality. You are not your own anymore, so you live as such.

Well, I decided to end the day in the presence of my God. So I went for a half night service only to be informed to lead a prayer session. Hmmm, massa, it was something different. I thank God for the grace. I was not prepared for any assignment of the sort, but I took the challenge and told God to have His way. I was suppose to lead a 30 minutes prayer session but God has His own plans for us.

I just asked the people to allow God to have His way. Then we started a worship and a prophecy came and people could not stand the release of power and the Spirit took control of the rest. Awesome! The 30 minutes prayer session turned into hours of good time with the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. I started around 9:45 pm and finally closed my session at 11:45pm. I was so amazed at what happened. I never knew God could use me this way. I asked the people if they were angry at me for using all the time, clapping was their response. It is 12:45am now and I said to myself what a way to end this day 11.11.11


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