
Showing posts from November, 2011


I always look out for these special dates. Almost always something memorable happens to me. But  11.11.11 is something else to talk about. In fact, I have not been happy the whole day for no reason. So just as I was trying to do some work in the office, I remembered today is Rev. Tei-Mati's birthday. Actually, I thought it was the wife's birthday but latter learnt it was his. He is a good father, I tell you. Those days Asiwome and I used to give him lots of headaches. One particular one I'll never forget is the famous Danquah circle accident. Anyway... I was so sad and missing home at a point I left the office. I prepared something ate and decided to take a little nap. Around 3:45pm, I went back to the office, then the first news I saw on the net was a bad one, my man Tiger Woods passed away. It was a difficult news to take and thank God it was a false news. He is very much alive. I never liked golf, but I used to watch this man play. Please don't ask any ques...