
Showing posts from September, 2011


My friends know I like Tie and Dye Batik a lot, so I put on Whiteman’s shirt from Monday to Tuesday and the rest of the days in the week are for my Tie and Dye. Something happened one day when I was at Burro, Koforidua. The Americans I work with always fall in love with my Tie and Dye Batiks and that encouraged me to wear more of them. Then Burro got some interns from one of the Universities from U.S. Well they also seem to like my dresses but one day I put on Kasper long-sleeved shirt and one of the interns said,” Today you are dressed up ”.  I took it as an insult to me. But this is where it got interesting, when they were leaving back to the States, all of them including the lady who said that, bought not less than three separate pieces of that same Tie and Dye Batik away. So I asked one of them what he will use them for, he answered he will wear them. Since then I have being asking lots of questions myself and one obvious answer comes to mind. GHANA NEEDS TO RETHINK ...


The builders’ efforts are futile, except the Lord builds. It is He who watches and the watchman (security man) can sleep and have sweet dreams yet the master is safe. He is the Most High King, the Warrior King; the Lion of Judah who makes lions go hungry even when there is food (Daniel) under their nose. In fact, my imagination tells me that Daniel in the Bible used one of the lions for pillow because in the night there was no bed and pillow to lay his head. He is a Consuming Fire, the Most Holiest, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious and Incomparable God. He is deeper than anything, wider than anything and higher than anything you can think of. We call Him Father, Provider, King of Kings and a lot more names, but He calls Himself “I AM”. "I" is His first name and "AM" is His last name. I think this is the shortest but most powerful name ever. He has most names, titles and appellations. He says YES and that settles the case and says NO and nobody questions His...